• Mia & Luke // A Cockatoo Island Wedding


    It’s such an awesome thing to be able to take photos of people on their wedding day, especially when they’re clearly as totally besotted with each other as Mia & Luke are. If there was one word to sum up their day it would be laughter. Mia & Luke both work in the music industry so it was absolutely no surprise that they had some killer tunes on their day and some killer dance moves to go along with them!

    This awesome wedding was shot alongside & for the equally awesome Justin Aaron and thanks to both Justin and Mia & Luke for having me along for their day.

  • The Template Store {affectionately known as the Store Monster}


    Well… hello there. So, this post is a little bit something different, it’s something that I’ve been working on for about the last year, plodding away behind the scenes and is finally all up and ready to rumble. The Template Store is for my photographer friends to help you get your awesome album design on.

    Good photography and good design make me happy in the pit of my stomach, that same bit that makes you feel like you’re gonna throw up when you’re falling in love, that’s the one.

    What I’m here to do is make album design easy and glorious for you. They are all designed to flow and work with each other. When you look at your favourite books or magazines, every page is designed to fit within the same margins, grids and spacings. These templates were created with all that in mind so you don’t have to worry about it.

    So click on the image below to take a look around and have some fun!

  • Featured // Rock n Roll Bride


    I woke up this morning to see the lovely Keira & Jack’s wedding featured on one of my favourite blogs, Rock n Roll Bride. If you have a few moments, head on over and check out the loveliness in the full feature.

    featured {rock n roll bride}