1. Nick + Len = HELLO!


    I’ve been walking past a particularly dark and a wee bit depressing corner of our apartment building marveling at the amazing portraits you could do under the hideous fluorescent light, and I’m sure Nick thought the same thing when I dragged him out of the house at 11pm a few nights ago in the freezing cold to take some photos. In between me yelling at him to “look less cold” and trying not to shiver too much myself we ended up with exactly what I had pictured in my mind every time I’d walked past this little spot and even Nick’s now using it on his own website, HERE (just click “turn out the lights” and you’ll see the marvelousness).

    Sydney Portrait PhotographySydney Portrait PhotographySydney Portrait PhotographySydney Portrait Photography

    P.S. I just realised that we’re pretty much wearing matching clothes… it was unintentional, I promise.

  2. Michelle & David // The Deckhouse, Woolwich wedding


    So, this might be the most epic wedding post that I will ever do, but Mish & David kinda deserve it. They’re wedding was (as you’ll soon see) filled with a lot of laughter, a lot of dancing and a lot of Jaeger. There was just no way to contain their wedding and how amazingly cute they are together.

    Mish & David I’m absolutely, positively eleventy billion percent (that is an actual measurement) sure you’re going to have the most amazing life together and I thank you both for trusting me with the memories of your big day.

    xx Len
