1. One Fine Day // A Recap


    Firstly, happy Wednesday to all! I hope you’re having an amazing week filled with love, delight and even a little bit of merriment!

    This past weekend, I was delighted to be one of the select few photography vendors at One Fine Day, a refreshing and modern Wedding Fair held at the gorgeous Sun Studios.

    Thank you to everyone who came out to One Fine Day and everyone who stopped at the booth to say hello, I hope you all enjoyed the homemade biscuits and I hope that you’ve added the recipe to your family collection. It was so amazing meeting all the lovely people who came to the booth and I can’t wait to photograph some seriously awesome weddings!

    In planning the booth and all the little bits and pieces, I wanted to have something that in some small way contributed to the life of anyone who stopped by. Being a massive foodie (and making the meanest biscuits on this side of Sydney) we decided that was probably the best option. In my excitement to create deliciousness I may have overlooked the time involved to knead, bake and package the 500+ biscuits we ended up making, but I have my wonderful sister-from-another-mister and ridiculously talented photographer in her own right, Brittany to thank for working her magic timing and sugar rolling skills ensuring each biscuit was baked to perfection (and for putting up with my crazy).

    Now, I have to send a special thank you to my better half, Nick, who not only built my wooden wall with his dad, made countless trips to Bunnings for materials, carried logs that easily weighed twice as much as him and set up pretty much the entire booth whilst I was off shooting a wedding, but even more importantly he kept me sane and allowed me to be absolutely crazy with the design and made it all workable, how he puts up with me I don’t know! I have to say a massive thank you to Vince, my awesome father-in-law; Dave, my brother-in-law-in-law (you read that right!)and the two Victors, for helping set everything up and tear everything down and making the awesome prints for the show.

    Alright, that’s enough of that, not only am I getting teary, but I’m starting to feel like I’m giving a thank you speech at an awards ceremony and that’s just possibly a little weird.

    I guess what it’s all about is THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who helped, thank you for everyone who contributed to One Fine Day and most importantly thank you to all of you who came and visited and supported us.

    For anyone who met up with us on Sunday, don’t forget that you need to book your album packages before the 30th of June to receive the awesome mini-albums for your families.

    I’ve had a lot of questions of where everything from the booth was sourced and a lot of love, thought and scouring the interwebs were put into it, so if you’re looking for anything special below is a list of where everything was sourced from.

    Mr & Mrs Bear Pillow Cases from Colette Bream.

    Red & Grey Clock from WW Vintage.

    Whale Pillow from Kate Durkin.

    Dont’s For Husbands and Wives found on ebay.

    Owl Lamp from West Elm.

    Typewriter found on ebay.

    Kisses & Hugs Vase and Wooden Frames from Mulbury.

    Log coffee tables sourced from a Tree Stump Removal Company.

    Vintage Cameras picked up from various camera markets.

  2. A Fete Press Feature // The Beautiful Talits Estate


    Late last year I got taken on a little bit of a whirlwind trip up to the Hunter Valley with the lovely folks Events In The Vines and Splendid Days. We had two days of absolutely scrumptious food and shooting in possibly the most beautiful sunlight known to man. A little bit of all that wonderful work is featured today in the first issue of a rather delightful online magazine called Fete Press. I hope you enjoy the photos and I absolutely cannot wait to share some more goodness. <3

    I just had to pop a few extras in, it was truly a gorgeous day.