Today, we added a new member to the I Love Wednesdays family. She is a beauty and is as yet unnamed. I am now the proud owner of a Hassleblad 500cm.

    I have to say that when I first laid eyes on her, she did bring a tear to my eye and there were shrieks of excitement. So much so, that the lovely workers at Australia Post looked on an giggled as I did my little happy dance.

    I of course had to take some photos of it, so I set up an impromptu studio in my living room and shot a couple photos of the Hassie and here they are.

    Hasselblad 500cm

    And one shot taken with her. My first shot and light metered through the fine art of guesstimation, so please excuse it’s badness.

    Hasselblad 500cm Print

    It’s the view from our balcony onto the alley behind the apartment, I was literally too excited to even go out to a location to shoot.

    There will be lots more photos up soon as I’m fairly certain the hassie won’t be leaving my side for many weeks to come.

  2. Back from the APPAs // Award Winning Sydney Photography


    I got back to Sydney last night from 5 days of photography goodness. I’m still catching up on all my emails at the moment and I promise I will reply to everyone today 🙂

    This is my first year as an Emerging Member of the AIPP (Australia Institute of Professional Photography) and meeting so many wonderful people and seeing the fantastic quality of work produced from all around Australia was just incredible. There really are an awful lot of talented people here.

    I missed the scoring of my print and was just running into the judging area as it was turning around. I had to ask 4 people before one of them told me it got a Silver Award and here it is.

    Australian Professional Photography Awards - Silver Award Winner

    To say I’m excited is probably a bit of an understatement and I can’t wait to see what next year brings.