1. GOODBYE 2010

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    2010 was a crazy year and one filled with fabulous clients, finding fun new friends and a lot of work. I was going to do a year in review, but I’m rather focused on 2011, the re-branding of I Love Wednesdays and beyond! 2010 seemed like a blur of a year to me anyway, I hope to be able to more wholly appreciate 2011 and hope time slows done a little for me, I’ve got too much stuff to do!

    What I will leave you with instead, is possibly my favourite photo from 2010 and one that is very close to my heart. A photo of my eldest nephew, Nemanja, at a family dinner just before Christmas last year. It perfectly demonstrates why I never leave home without my camera, you never know when those moments might strike and I will ALWAYS be prepared to catch them.



    Sydney Children's Photographer


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    Sydney Landscape Photography

    “It is not how much money we make that ultimately makes us happy between nine and five. It’s whether our work fulfills us.” – Malcolm Gladwell

    Thank you all for making my 2010 a fullfilling year and thank you for all you support, care and kindness.

    I can’t wait to see what 2011 brings and I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season.

    xoxo Len